The Virgo Full Moon occurs on March 7 at 4:40am PST and 7:40am EST, making it the last lunar event of winter and the astrological year ....

The Full Moon In Virgo Will Bring Necessary Change Your Way

The Virgo Full Moon occurs on March 7 at 4:40am PST and 7:40am EST, making it the last lunar event of winter and the astrological year. The spring equinox is almost here and marks the start of the astrological new year. The ice is melting and the buds are blooming.

This lunation is an extremely interesting period, one where we are trying to discern between emotion and logic, intuition and facts. The Pisces Sun wants us to believe in our personal visions and the Virgo Moon urges us to seek knowledge through analysis. The juxtaposing energies can make us confused about what we know to be true and believe in, as the opposition creates ambiguity. Finding deeper meaning in our lives will come from talking things out and understanding them from a cerebral perspective without letting our emotions guide us. 

Talking and understanding may seem like an easy solution, but it could prove challenging because of the planets activated by the Full Moon.

Firstly, the Full Moon aspects action planet Mars, who is transiting the sign Gemini. Then there is the “Great Awakener” Uranus, who is currently roaming the zodiac sign Taurus. When these two planets collide with the Sun and Moon, we can expect sparks to fly. Mars’ presence makes us more desirous, defensive, and strong-willed. While Uranus is opening our eyes to situations that we never saw before. There will be radical changes that occur out of the blue which will lift us out of our slumber and give us the incentive to take matters into our own hands in order to seek the change we need.  

Mercury, the planet who rules the Moon, just entered Pisces on March 2. This will make matters seem wishy-washy. Emotions are erratic, like the waves of the ever flowing sea. Taking a pause to contemplate how we feel is crucial. Instead of rushing through matters, allow yourself to really feel the weight of situations and explore the depths of your heart. It’s important to be in our emotions and to not deny them (or anyone else’s sentiments) at this time. The time to mend our wounds occurs on March 12, when expansive Jupiter and the healing centaur Chiron unite. 

The same day, Saturn moves into Pisces, ending its 2.5 year stint in Aquarius. Pisces will be in authoritative Saturn from March 7 to May 24, 2025, and then — due to the planetary retrograde, Saturn will be in Pisces again — from August 31 2025 to February 13 2026. At this time, it’ll be hard to decipher reality from fantasy as we embrace glamor on a surface level, learn to use our intuition and insights as facts, and give compassion to others as well as the world-at-large. We will embrace our spiritual beliefs, creativity, and use them to catapult us forward. This planetary shift, which occurs the same day as the Full Moon, is helping us end our idealistic sentiments from Saturn’s orbit in Aquarius and lean into the views of its shift into Pisces.

Since the Full Moon brings many changes, it’s important to let go of previous hurts and start to embrace healing. We have the capacity to use our inner strength and power to mend our heartache or physical ailments that we are coming with. Saturn wants us to move forward. When Saturn was in Aquarius, we did the work to evaluate our situations and see if we could incorporate the same concepts or people to our future. Now, Saturn is urging us to release and swim away from past upsets and move towards what makes us happy. The Full Moon is exposing these moments to us, making it easy to let go. It’s time to use our strident nature to our advantage.  

The Full Moon brings change that’s necessary to keep us from being stuck. As the planets move toward their new destination and bring light to our eyes, we are able to see what is holding us back from evolving with the world. Once we accept and embrace this reality, we can be in rhythm with the universe. 

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