As February comes to a close and March begins this week, we’ll still be feeling the influence of last week’s Pisces new moon . With Mercury ...

Your Horoscope This Week: 26th February to 4th March, 2023

As February comes to a close and March begins this week, we’ll still be feeling the influence of last week’s Pisces new moon. With Mercury, the planet of communication, entering Pisces on March 2nd, it’s essential for us to choose peace over drama or chaos. 
With the moon and Mars both in Gemini as the week begins, it’s an ideal time to address any recent misunderstandings in your partnerships. You’ll feel more open-minded and adaptable. 

At the same time, now that Venus, the planet of love, is in Aries for several weeks, there’s an underlying tone of passion, intensity, and aggression permeating the cosmos. We should all take deep breaths whenever we find ourselves ready to lash out, particularly mid-week when the Cancer moon exacerbates our moodiness.  

By this weekend, the moon enters Leo, and we’ll experience the 3/3/2023 ascension portal —  our new moon intentions will start to blossom around this time. Celebrate your manifestations! 

Aries Sun & Aries Rising

Aries, how are you feeling now that Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign? This week’s about communicating your needs to those around you, and also solidifying what you want from your ideal domestic lifestyle.  

The Gemini moon on Monday and Tuesday helps tame some of the internal agitation that you may feel as a result of Venus and Jupiter both being in your sign. The more you exercise and take part in intellectual stimulation, the more free you’ll feel.  

The month of March begins with the Cancer moon asking you to slow down, meditate, and check in with yourself. Make sure you haven’t filled your life with so many projects that you end  up overwhelmed. Simplification is key. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Taurus Sun & Taurus Rising

Taurus, as the week begins, the Gemini moon activates your sector of abundance, and you may be in the mood to look into multiple streams of income. Diversify your options, but also be aware that having the moon and Mars both in Gemini could lead to you spreading yourself too thin.  

Mid-week, the Cancer moon harmonizes with your Taurus nature and amps up your sensitivity. Having a healing heart-to-heart may be in order. At first you may resist opening yourself up to  such vulnerability, but go ahead and give it a try — it’ll feel cathartic.  

Spend the weekend having an adventure with your family — either your blood family or chosen family. You’ve been working a lot lately, but they miss your presence.ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Gemini Sun & Gemini Rising

Gemini, the week begins with the moon in your sign, so if you’ve been wanting to take a leap of faith at work or in your love life, Monday and Tuesday are prime days to do so, as you’ll have the magic touch. 

Mid-week, the moon’s presence in Cancer, combined with your planetary ruler Mercury entering Pisces on March 2nd, will make you much more sensitive and telepathic than you’re used to. Learn from your feelings rather than running from them. 

This weekend, life becomes more action-oriented for you, as the Leo moon activates your sector of fun and true love. It’s an ideal time to take yourself or others out on a spontaneous date! The bolder, the better.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Cancer Sun & Cancer Rising

Cancer, the moon’s presence in Gemini on Monday and Tuesday lightens up your approach to healing. Chances are that you’ve either been taking your healing journey too seriously, or you’ve been trying to bypass it altogether. Try to find a middle ground — start by breathing through the discomfort that may emerge.  

Mid-week, the moon enters your sign, deepening your sensitivity to yourself and your needs. Now that Venus is in Aries, you’re encouraged to be more selfish with your energy, but Mercury’s entrance into Pisces on March 2nd could counteract that and lead to you feeling more clingy. 

The moon’s shift into Leo this weekend helps you learn to celebrate and love yourself fully — you deserve to feel loved when you’re feeling moody, angry, horny, or delightful.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Leo Sun & Leo Rising

Leo, make sure you’re not overcommitting as the week begins and February comes to a close. The moon’s presence in Gemini could make you overly optimistic about what you have the capacity to take on in your social life. Be more discerning about what you say yes to. 

Wednesday through Friday, the moon in Cancer activates your sector of spirituality, asking you to slow your roll and tune into your subconscious thoughts. We’re approaching the full moon in Virgo, so it’s best to be honest with yourself about potential blockages you’re experiencing. 

This weekend, enjoy the moon’s presence in your sign — it’s an ideal time for a mini shopping spree or a romantic rendezvous. All eyes (and perhaps some lips) will be on you! ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Virgo Sun & Virgo Rising

Virgo, this second week of Pisces season continues to highlight your relationships — including the one you have with yourself. Use the Gemini moon Monday and Tuesday to hype yourself up, especially if you’ve been overly self-critical lately. 

Wednesday through Friday, the Cancer moon helps soften your approach to intimacy. Instead of pushing people away when they want to show you love, dare to take one step closer. 

This weekend, the moon’s presence in Leo activates your sector of healing and closure. We’re rapidly approaching your annual full moon taking place next week on the 7th. Use this weekend to reflect on the dead weight that must be released. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Libra Sun & Libra Rising

Libra, as the week begins and the moon is in Gemini, a part of you is dreaming of flying far, far away. You may be feeling restless with Venus currently in your opposite sign of Aries, and a vacation is calling your name. Just remember that booking a trip won’t make your problems disappear.  

Wednesday through Friday, the moon’s presence in Cancer, combined with Mercury’s shift into Pisces on the 2nd, could make you feel moody and misunderstood. Perhaps this is a sign that a part of you is misunderstanding your own sentimental nature — journal your feelings instead  of pretending they don’t exist. 

By this weekend, the Leo full moon helps bring out your natural optimism and enthusiasm again, making it an ideal time to be out and about. Say yes to exciting outings, or plan one of your own. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, this week you have a brilliant opportunity to stop self-sabotaging, and to truly embody the energy of the Phoenix — Scorpio’s highest level of evolution. This begins Monday and Tuesday, when the Gemini moon activates your sector of depth and intimacy. You may have a cathartic conversation with a lover or close friend that helps you put the past behind you, and  fully be present.  

Mid-week, the Cancer moon provides you with a period of rest, restoration, and reflection. There will also be hints of nostalgia that you feel — the key is to normalize your emotions. 
By this weekend, the moon in Leo shifts your attention to your work and reputation. What important career strategies have you been avoiding, and why?  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Sagittarius Sun & Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius, as the week begins, love and intimacy is on your mind as the Gemini moon highlights your sector of partnership and marriage. But instead of thinking of “happily ever  after” you’re likely to be envisioning and manifesting the type of relationship that allows you to feel free. 

Mid-week, the Cancer moon and Mercury’s entrance into Pisces counteracts that energy by  reminding you that it’s still normal and healthy to have feelings of possessiveness or jealousy. If  and when those feelings emerge, get curious about them instead of denying them. 

This weekend’s Leo Moon encourages you to embrace the limelight and let out your creative side, especially if you’ve put it on the back burner lately. Let your imagination run wild — you may very well create a masterpiece!

Capricorn Sun & Capricorn Rising

Capricorn, as the week begins and February comes to a close, you’re still taking in the healing energy from last week’s Pisces new moon. It’s helped you be more vulnerable with yourself and others, and you’re encouraged to keep that energy flowing this week. 

Monday and Tuesday, the Gemini moon might make that easier said than done though — your sector of wellness is activated by this lunation, which could make you prone to over-analysis  and thought paralysis.  

Fortunately, once the moon shifts into Cancer Wednesday through Friday, and then enters Leo this weekend, your sectors of partnership and merging are activated, reminding you that there’s no need to isolate yourself on your healing journey — let people take care of you, Capricorn.  ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Aquarius Sun & Aquarius Rising

Aquarius, this week’s all about letting go and trusting the process. The moon’s presence in Gemini on Monday and Tuesday helps you do so through infusing more laughter and novelty into your life.  

With Mercury, the planet of communication, shifting out of your sign on March 2nd, your thoughts are directed to your finances. But instead of addressing that topic through practical means, you’re being asked to take the more intuitive approach to money-making, and that may mean meditating on ways to increase your wealth by doing less, rather than more.  

This weekend’s Leo moon activates your partnership sector, helping you tune into what your lover or crush seeks from you. Saturn’s about to leave your sign and enter Pisces next week, so love will become more of a priority for you than before. Love this for you! ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

Pisces Sun & Pisces Rising

Pisces, this second week of your solar season continues to offer you blessings and profound wisdom. Monday and Tuesday, the moon’s presence in Gemini activates your sector of home  — a conversation you have with a family member could enlighten you to a missing puzzle piece from your past, aiding you on your journey of finding closure.  

With Mercury entering your sign March 2nd, people from your past will most likely hit you up in the coming weeks. But you’ll also be in a self-protective mood, especially as Saturn, the planet of responsibility, prepares to enter your sign next week for the first time in 29 years. 

It may not be until the moon enters Leo this weekend that you’ll feel ready to socialize and be extroverted. This week’s about integrating the downloads from the recent new moon in your sign, and protecting your peace. ILLUSTRATED BY SUCHET INUTHAI

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